Following tradition Valters Gencs Law Firm will sponsor Swedish “Santa Lucia” concert organized by the Swedish Embassy, featuring Inese Galante, Ulf Samuelsson and Swedish Choir “Saint Eugenia’s Youth Choir”.
St. Lucia’s day is the Church feast day dedicated to St. Lucia and is observed on December 13. It is celebrated mainly in Scandinavia, some countries in Europe, including Latvia and in some parts of the United States. Even though it is not officially part of Advent, St. Lucia’s day marks the beginning of Christmas season and it means bringing of hope and light. Lucia can be perceived as a symbol of the good forces in life and a symbol of light in the dark winter. Its mission is to bring light and kindness, which is related to the meaning of “Lucia”. The Swedish Lucia celebration is an annual festival of medieval origin. The modern tradition of having public Lucia processions in the Swedish cities started in 1927.
This year the concert will feature well known and recognised worldwide Latvian opera singer Inese Galante, composer and organist Aivars Kalejs, professional singer Sergejs Jegers, organist and choir leader Ulf Samuelsson and Saint Eugenia’s Youth Choir.
Following tradition this year as well our law firm sponsored “Santa Lucia” concert organized by the Swedish Embassy and supported by Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia.